Month: April 2008

  • Improv Show Videos

    For The Improv Show‘s last gig on April 14th, I managed to record both our longform and the jam. The Jam is our half-cast, half-audience thing whose format I nabbed from Upright Citizen’s Brigade in New York. I’ve youtubed it for the loyal fans who missed it. Here’s the longform: Here’s the jam:

  • I broke 50 kilometers!

    I just got back from a 54 k bike ride! Here’s the google map. View Larger Map Now, my average speed sport of sucks, as it took over two hours, but that can be improved. I think I’ll need to buy a bike clock.

  • Massive Life Update

    In the last month, I:– got an Iron Ring– finished my last exam in the Mathematics and Engineering Program at Queen’s– was accepted for a Master’s in Computer Science with the Dynamic Graphics Project at the University of Toronto, where I’m hoping to focus on Human-Computer Interaction and Ubiquitous Computing. Phew! Post-graduation, I was also…