Category: Uncategorized

  • …all part of a complete writing session

    Paper pad, Bic pen, a hearty stout and a patio.

  • A concise illustration of the relationships in virtual worlds

  • This helps me get through the day

  • I am a Superhero

    Your results:You are Iron Man Inventor. Businessman. Genius. Click here to take the “Which Superhero am I?” quiz…

  • Home Base

    This is, possibly, one of my most favourite film shorts of all time. I’m not sure if it appeals to me personally alot, or what. My favourite actor is the mother, but in my opinion the script is genius.

  • MyZoo

    MyZoo is an (currently unfinished) attempt to create an Artificial Life system within Second Life, where multiple avatars can control and interact with creatures. The brown objects in front of the creatures in the above photograph are supposed to be food, but upon realizing that they look like something else, I have since changed their…

  • V-Day Post

    Topically speaking, I think this is genius Smart Guys Date in Parallel.

  • Current Life Sum

    (Blue Scarf + Rental Car + Hyper Improv Kids + Good TA Evaluations + 3K Scholarship + Delicious Chicken Breast + Art/Porn Movies + SexyBack + Contributed to giant snow fort – didn’t sleep last night because building giant snow fort – Busiest semester of life yet + Sense of giddiness at it all –…

  • Step up, Real World

    So, I just finished reading Everything Bad is Good For You, by Steven Johnson. The thesis of the book is that today’s popular culture, which is generally considered to be mind-numbing, and making the average person dumber, is actually, on the whole, making us smarter. It has stuff like diagrams of the relationships between people…

  • more POLE and also flash

    Another pole picture. Somehow these have the magic of turning out amazing all the time. In other news, I’m finally going through something I have been promising myself I would for a while – learning Macromedia Flash. I’m keeping a learning diary too. Hopefully this will make sure I keep on doing this until I’m…