Realtime Art Manifesto
I just read the Realtime Art Manifesto. It is one of those documents I’ll obviously have to read again, preferably out loud, with lots of Guinness running through my bloodstream.
I just discovered a new term!
It’s CSCW – Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Sweet.
Cognitive Dissonance
Whenever we interact with a thing, be it animal, vegetable, human or other, we form, by trial-and-error, a certain agreeement on the meaning of the symbols we use. This may be anything from the words that compose a language, to the motions we tell our limbs to perform to keep us walking. When the literacy…
Queen's Professor compares video games to cocaine
http://www.nationalpost.com/opinion/story.html?id=165016 Wow. I’ll think up a more thorough response to this later. But in the meantime: – The most advanced game the author ever played is Tetris, which somehow gives him license to condemn the entire medium. – Video games are NOT passive in any way! Sure, they leave less to the imagination than books…
Narrative and Fido
Two nights ago, I watched Fido, a 2006 Canadian zombie film, with my housemate John. This post is about narrative and exposition in that movie, which is definitively the best Canadian movie I’ve ever seen (if you ignore the bilingualism of Bon Cop Bad Cop). Here’s the trailer: If you’re going to see the movie,…
Encroaching Automata (but, you know, in a good way)
Holy wow, Google Reader is now making recommendations.
Animal Crossing
If you’re in and around Kingston in the coming weeks, be sure to check out Famine, the show I’m producing for Single Thread Theatre Company. It’s been one of the reasons why this blog has been so quiet, and I can say that it was well worth it. The show run is November 14th –…
Crunch Time
Yeah, crunching for another project right now. In the meantime, look at this.
Some boardwork
There’s a lot of advantages to having a massive chalkboard in my house. One is the quenching of my large writable space fetishism. Another is being able to work on my thesis and a set design at the same time. Image processing algorithm design for my thesis on the left, set design scribbles for the…