Current Life Sum
(Blue Scarf + Rental Car + Hyper Improv Kids + Good TA Evaluations + 3K Scholarship + Delicious Chicken Breast + Art/Porn Movies + SexyBack + Contributed to giant snow fort – didn’t sleep last night because building giant snow fort – Busiest semester of life yet + Sense of giddiness at it all –…
Sin Combinatrics
I think this is fantastic. Found here: http://indexed.blogspot.com/2007/01/were-all-going-to-hell.html
What is it?
I PROMISE – more verbosity is coming. Currently my energies are elsewhere.
What kind of science fiction writer am I?
I am: Alfred Bester A pyrotechnic talent who put only a small portion of his energy into writing. Which science fiction writer are you?
Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material was a submission four collaborators and I made to the Queen’s University Focus Film Festival 2007. We sat in a very long writing session and brainstormed a ton of ideas, but finally came up with something we found really fun, but we were afraid no one would get it. To our surprise, we…
I'm in an internet commerical
www.keyprop.com/worryfreeliving So, just before the winter break I had a free day during exam period. What’s the best way to spend a free day? Why – participate in a commercial! You notice me as the guy holding the tuba, sweating his ass off in the sweat red digs. There are four episodes coming out in…
I just realized – perhaps its just me – that the word “shat” is an acceptable term for the past tense of shit. I’ll have to use it in a paper to find out. Go nested sentence structure!
Second Life is Open Source
Second Life is now open source. Now I’m not entirely sure to what breadth or depth this will mean to anyone that happens to read this, but WOW (not that other MMORPG, I’m exclaiming something). To get the background on this, go here:Second Life wikipedia Article This is, I think, a very significant moment. I…
Found on a Golden VideoTape
Part 1 Part 2
A picture a day for six years
The eyes of the man in this video are very sad. Why is that? Watch his hair mostly as it flails in a maelstrom about his monoexpression face. I get a sense that he is getting older, yet I feel that he isn’t changing. I see him in a variety of environment, so his life…