The Interactive Universe
I just discovered the most amazing game – Samorost. The control of this game is such that you play a character (in the loose sense) navigating about a world in a puzzle-solving mode. But, the cool part of this game is that you get to make choices about your environment which should be beyond your…
Why is the Pioneer Plaque so sexist?
My home page for the last while when Firefox starts has been the wikipedia start page. Just a few minutes ago, I was greeted with this: This is the Pioneer Plaque, a gold-engraved image sent out on the spacecrafts Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. For those that didn’t know, these were two spacecrafts that were…
Is there a pedagogical value to being confusing?
When a teacher makes a lot of mistakes, and you notice them and shoot up your hand to correct them, are you learning more or less than if the teacher was right all the time? What if it isn’t you shooting up your hand, but someone in the same class as you? Since my degree…
Flash is back
I used a new FTP site, so here is my first flash again. Watch for more coming up!
Ruben's Tube
Whenever I see something like this, it gives me more reason to become an eccentric rich person who retires to live in a museum owning all sorts of shit like this.
The new iCod
And the original:
Theory of Forms what? what?
I love the ancient idea of Theory of Forms by Plato. I try to reference it as much as possible in conversation. The idea that there are two worlds, the real one, and than a higher one of perfect ideas is a very old-fashioned belief. The Theory is summed up as this: The Theory of…
What have I been up to?
With my (barely) free time? Playing Hitman 2 – it’s a beautiful combination of TPS, puzzle solving, and cinematic experience. It’s the sort of game I would be proud making.
The Statistics of Awesomeness
I have a very deep faith. Faith, that in the large but not infinite set of possible events on this planet, awesome things happen. There are, after all, six billion conscious beings on earth. That is a really big number. Now that may not be a good objective indicator of all the different things that…
The Definition of an Artist
This following is not bullshit. As far as I can tell, people who call themselves artists do little to create things that are “new”. (There is nothing wrong with that, by the way) I am of the belief that all that will or can be created exists in people’s minds already in lesser forms. An…