Tejo is a sport played in Colombia. It’s like curling, except you throw the weights like 60 feet instead of sliding them on the ground. The target is like a sandbox, except it’s filled with clay, and tilted on its side. Inside it, are explosives; little pink triangular envelopes filled with paper. These make very…
The Painting — An Immersive iBeacon Theatre Experience Powered by Webble SmartSpot
Here is a first-person walkthrough of an immersive theatre show I did with Joshua Marx, as part of Floodlight Productions. We built it in a section of The SpeakeasySF while it was still under construction. UPDATE: See my talk at Hackaday’s Supercon about this project: https://hackaday.com/2015/12/18/immersive-theatre-via-ibeacons-with-dustin-freeman/ During the show, the single audience member uses an…
Studying Narratives in Small Spaces, Part 2: Boats
At the Augmented & Virtual Reality roundtables at GDC 2015, there was consensus that moving a player through space made them uneasy. While in the future, I’m sure we’ll discover interesting tricks to ease the transition, what if we aren’t worried about that, and instead an entire interactive narrative experience happens in a single space?…
Studying Narratives in Small Spaces, Part 1: Mysteries
At the Augmented & Virtual Reality roundtables at GDC 2015, there was consensus that moving a player through space made them uneasy. While in the future, I’m sure we’ll discover interesting tricks to ease the transition, what if we aren’t worried about that, and instead an entire interactive narrative experience happens in a single space?…
Real For The Very First Time
Yes I am not real https://t.co/HK33uFG6SG — mikeseymour (@mikeseymour) March 18, 2015 Putting on academic tweed jacket, sandals and socks… In 1936, German cultural critic Walter Benjamin wrote an essay entitled The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (entire text translated here). This post is an updated, and more specific view on…
An Illustrating Example of Improv
I’m finalizing my PhD Thesis on interaction design for improv. This is a slightly-embellished example of something that actually happened. Yes, a mouse ran across the stage in the middle of an improv set and the performers all reacted in different ways and my mind exploded in curiosity watching it unfold. Here is a example…
This Is Why I Still Don’t Have Internet: Cable Gore Porn
This represents the phone/DSL box of the 10 units in my building. Each cable has a business card of a different technician attached to it; implying that if you’re making a change, you’re supposed to CALL ME FIRST. So, if you want to make any electrical change, you have to get, like, a half-dozen people…
X-mas travel plans 2014
Starting and Ending in San Francisco: On one of these flights I have a stopover in Vancouver, and it isn’t the one that goes through Victoria.