What's your favorite campy horror/action movie set on re-emergence day?

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Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:26 am

What's your favorite campy horror/action movie set on re-emergence day?

Post by blackmad »

It totally breaks my indie cred to say it, but I tear up every time I hear the Prime Minister of Canada's speech right before the climactic mutant moose battle in Re-Emergence Day. It's totally against my politics but the practical effects when they napalm the Great Bear Rainforest makes me want to play Godzilla o'er a model train village every time I see it, and then I cry again when the lumberjack/stripper with a heart of gold watches her daughter hit enter on the `napalm` command says "god, please let the spirits of those trees re-emerge with haste." Ugh, now I'm crying.