Man, linux computers suck. I’m at the workstation I’ve was at for four months this summer, and I can’t don’t anything, specifically look at Flash or pdf. So, this rules out: Doing my COGS 100 readings Looking at my flash animation from Tuesday again, for the 100th time, to poke more holes in it (How…
My First Attempt at a Flash Animation
I think its obvious at this point that I love syncing visual movement to music. There’s something so Zen about it. Music is from Samurai Jack, which I have been addicted to lately.
I've started a new project…
The Mischevious Ant Project
Step up, Real World
So, I just finished reading Everything Bad is Good For You, by Steven Johnson. The thesis of the book is that today’s popular culture, which is generally considered to be mind-numbing, and making the average person dumber, is actually, on the whole, making us smarter. It has stuff like diagrams of the relationships between people…
more POLE and also flash
Another pole picture. Somehow these have the magic of turning out amazing all the time. In other news, I’m finally going through something I have been promising myself I would for a while – learning Macromedia Flash. I’m keeping a learning diary too. Hopefully this will make sure I keep on doing this until I’m…
Media Priming
Any James Bond movie starts with some sort of giant chase scene. Our andrenaline is pumping within seconds that the objects on the video screen start to move. Modern TV shows (especially serials like Lost or PrisonBreak) start with a familiar intro, as well as information from what has happened in the past few shows.…
The Greasepole was fantastic. 4 fucking hours. This was like it in first year (7 hours) except that it was cold and rainy, instead of sunny, and I was hungover from drinking since 4 am. My friend Yuki took this picture, which is now part of the Wikipedia Article.
Ride Wit Me – Nelly
In continuing the recent trend of high school, music videos, my discovery of embedded youtube, and non-verbal blogging, here’s something that uses all of those. John WhitneyMeChris OlthofChris’ damn rich digs, including mercedes, audi and boat. My cheap station wagon. Note: this was made BEFORE “I want it that way”, so the quality is worse.
Awesome Photo
So, a picture I took at when I was at the Mars Desert Research Station in second year got used as a cover of a scientific magazine. My friend Ken alerted me to this. The scientific magazine is Mars Analog Research, Volume 111, Science and Technology Series, ed. Jonathan D.A. Clarke. Invited papers on Mars…