Interview on CBC’s Spark Radio Show

I was interviewed about my current research work by Norah Young for CBC’s Radio show Spark. The project I talked about was Scribbling with Typeset. Here’s a video of the work in action:

This work is part of a larger ongoing project on understanding how people use paper. Now, to run some more studies…

Here’s the link to the show. (7:21)

From CBC:
As for the good old fashioned radio, we go to air this Sunday afternoon [Ed: Oct 31] at 1:05 local time in most parts of Canada (4:05 on the west coast).


One response to “Interview on CBC’s Spark Radio Show”

  1. You have invented a brilliant solution to overcoming the limitations of digital print. I can think of many applications for your program and can’t wait to try it out sometime in, what I hope is, the very near future. I like the idea of being able to insert the personal into what has, up to now, been a frustrating problem with digital writing. Good luck with your work. I do hope you are going to be able to make your program available in some form very soon.