The Painting — An Immersive iBeacon Theatre Experience Powered by Webble SmartSpot

Here is a first-person walkthrough of an immersive theatre show I did with Joshua Marx, as part of Floodlight Productions. We built it in a section of The SpeakeasySF while it was still under construction.

UPDATE: See my talk at Hackaday’s Supercon about this project:

During the show, the single audience member uses an iPhone in their pocket, with earphones in their ears. Audio cues and events in the show are triggered based on proximity to iBeacons, embedded both in the environment and inside some movable objects.

The iBeacons, donated by Webble, look like this:

2015-07-26 16.11.22

We could even take them out of their plastic casing and embed them in real objects. We laid them out in the environment like this:

Speakeasy with Beacons

During development, the script evolved from a finite state machine model, as in this Google Doc:

Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 15.52.00

To a listener model, written in JSON:

Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 15.45.06

The Painting — An Immersive iBeacon Theatre Experience Powered by Webble SmartSpot

Joshua Marx – Writing, Design (
Dustin Freeman – Programming, Design (

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Webble: Where the Web meets the World

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