Category: art

  • The Painting — An Immersive iBeacon Theatre Experience Powered by Webble SmartSpot

    Here is a first-person walkthrough of an immersive theatre show I did with Joshua Marx, as part of Floodlight Productions. We built it in a section of The SpeakeasySF while it was still under construction. UPDATE: See my talk at Hackaday’s Supercon about this project: During the show, the single audience member uses an…

  • Studying Narratives in Small Spaces, Part 2: Boats

    At the Augmented & Virtual Reality roundtables at GDC 2015, there was consensus that moving a player through space made them uneasy. While in the future, I’m sure we’ll discover interesting tricks to ease the transition, what if we aren’t worried about that, and instead an entire interactive narrative experience happens in a single space?…

  • Studying Narratives in Small Spaces, Part 1: Mysteries

    At the Augmented & Virtual Reality roundtables at GDC 2015, there was consensus that moving a player through space made them uneasy. While in the future, I’m sure we’ll discover interesting tricks to ease the transition, what if we aren’t worried about that, and instead an entire interactive narrative experience happens in a single space?…

  • Appears to Take on Meaning…

    I’m in the midst of writing up my thesis, an unnaturally large document that I both want to just finish, but also have the urge to encapsulate every thought I’ve had in my life to this date. Some of my spare thoughts that don’t appear in that formal academic document will appear here. Humans are…

  • Improv Remix Call For Performers: July 28th – August 3rd, 2014

    Dustin Freeman and Montgomery Martin are looking for 3-5 performers of any age and demographic with a background in improv or comedy to collaboratively playtest a live video remix system. Performers will interact with an array of motion sensors and cameras to construct a series of original scenes from live video recordings to be presented…

  • Big Blimpin’: Getting the Right Feel of Flying an Airship for an Installation

    This is an install in a 3 x 8 metre room with stereoscopic projection (a Hive) in the Communitech Hub in Kitchener, sponsored by Christie Digital and CAFKA. The project was started by Ruth Gibson and Bruno Martelli (aka Igloo). There is more about the conception and themes of the project on their page. This…

  • I Love the Rain

  • Games of Life

    I got my first smartphone, a Nexus S, back in early 2010 when I was living in Cambridge, UK. Impressed by the novelty of the beers there, I started snapping photos of taps and bottles: When I uploaded these to Picasa, I discovered, gloriously, that my phone had been saving location data, and Picasa automatically…

  • Test Strip Hero

    You know when a compulsively cool idea occurs to you, and you can’t stop yourself from doing it? I’m thinking of playing other parts of the world, too.

  • Augmenting Minimalism (Improv)

    Improv (when I’m loving it) is the most minimalist art form. Improv tends to be better when we bring only a little bit of ourselves to it; when we plan as little in advance as possible. The best, most honest, improv moments are when you stare across the empty void space of the stage into…