Gone to Southeast Asia
From May 1st – June 10th, I’m gone backpacking across Southeast Asia with my friend Taylor. I won’t be updating this old place as much, but I will be putting words and pictures (and videos?) on our travel blog, http://ducksonaplane.blogspot.com/
Sitch featured in The Walrus
Well, not really, but alot of the ideas are the same. For those who didnt’ see The Deviants, it was a collection of small plays (some of which) I wrote and acted for. One of the plays I wrote was entitled “Sitch”: a story of a young woman rebelled against the future world she lived…
Deviants Next Week
Its weeks like these when I’m unconsciously making deals with Father Time. The Deviants opens next week. I wrote, acted and designed the set. This is one of the moments when you are throwing yourself out there, and in the last minute you question whether you’re really just full of shit. I think that’s healthy.…
What kind of science fiction writer am I?
I am: Alfred Bester A pyrotechnic talent who put only a small portion of his energy into writing. Which science fiction writer are you?
What have I been up to?
With my (barely) free time? Playing Hitman 2 – it’s a beautiful combination of TPS, puzzle solving, and cinematic experience. It’s the sort of game I would be proud making.
Man, linux computers suck. I’m at the workstation I’ve was at for four months this summer, and I can’t don’t anything, specifically look at Flash or pdf. So, this rules out: Doing my COGS 100 readings Looking at my flash animation from Tuesday again, for the 100th time, to poke more holes in it (How…
I've started a new project…
The Mischevious Ant Project