X-mas travel plans 2014
Starting and Ending in San Francisco: On one of these flights I have a stopover in Vancouver, and it isn’t the one that goes through Victoria.
Piracy Attempted to Save Dubloons; Deemed Infeasible
The housing market in San Francisco is 110% bananas. Here’s a map of the average 1 Bedroom price from February 2013. Here’s a more recent map that also covers outside the San Francisco peninsula. The gist is that $2800/month is lowest you can reasonably get for a 1 bedroom apartment these days. What sort of…
Moving to San Francisco; joining Occipital
Two days ago, I finished the second-to-last draft of my thesis and, a couple hours later, my first full watch-through of Star Trek: The Next Generation. And now it’s time for another transition! I’ve lived in Toronto for 6 years while doing grad school. I got to participate a ton in the improv, theatre, and…
Books that Stuck with Me
I meant to assemble ten (10) works of fiction or non-fiction that had been influential to me at some point. This proved hard, and for a while I tried to rank them so I could eliminate any 11+. I settled on splitting my life thus far into 3 periods: Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood, and the…
Appears to Take on Meaning…
I’m in the midst of writing up my thesis, an unnaturally large document that I both want to just finish, but also have the urge to encapsulate every thought I’ve had in my life to this date. Some of my spare thoughts that don’t appear in that formal academic document will appear here. Humans are…
Improv Remix Dailies
Inspired by The Wooster Group, we’re going to start making dailies for each day* leading up to the showcase. Below are the first two! Check Twitter or my YouTube channel for more as they come out. * Not absolutely every day.
Improv Remix Call For Performers: July 28th – August 3rd, 2014
Dustin Freeman and Montgomery Martin are looking for 3-5 performers of any age and demographic with a background in improv or comedy to collaboratively playtest a live video remix system. Performers will interact with an array of motion sensors and cameras to construct a series of original scenes from live video recordings to be presented…
Metadata Secret Friends
In the future, there will be friendships consisting entirely in verbal form, with no digital record. These will be special, intimate, beyond anything analyzable by the machines we use on a regular basis today. Kids will start doing this. It will feel fun and covert at first, but will gain a special meaning. Parents will…
Big Blimpin’: Getting the Right Feel of Flying an Airship for an Installation
This is an install in a 3 x 8 metre room with stereoscopic projection (a Hive) in the Communitech Hub in Kitchener, sponsored by Christie Digital and CAFKA. The project was started by Ruth Gibson and Bruno Martelli (aka Igloo). There is more about the conception and themes of the project on their page. This…