Category: Uncategorized

  • Faux-Ghetto

    So, I was walking home ten minutes ago, going past the Aberdeen and William going home. There was two black guys, a white guy and some girl who I couldn’t see much of. It was dark, it is 3 am after all. The conversation was as follows. Them: This ain’t the real ghetto. If this…

  • UberMedia

    I just found out about today when I was walking by it outside a Union Station news stand. Ironic that I first saw it in print form. Also, I just saw EPIC 2015 because a friend sent it to me. This is what mostly spearheaded this line of thought. There is so much information…

  • On Playing in God's Theatre

    Scene: In what was a perfect setting for philosophical discussion on the universe, I was sitting in my Dad’s backyard with my Dad and brother. I had my telescope set up in front of me, the last of several spontaneous events that had happened today. I decided that tonight had looked like a good night…

  • On wingpeople

    So, I went out to the bar last night with an old female friend of mind. We were both trying, or at least hoping to hook up. NOT with eachother. …although if this was a sitcom I would have woken up the next morning, looked over, and been like…damn. But that doesn’t actually happen. If…

  • Improv Show Hosting Notes August 9th 2005

    The show begins.Music.Audience warm-up – get them to give suggestionsBartender/Waitress/Drink of the Night/Elixir Announcement The Die Game Title of a story. Then, for each death: object from a kitchen Thom KirstinJason Alex Matt Green Cheese. This was a good game and has a lot of potential. Good job with me just throwing this game at…

  • Goals:

    What??!?!?! Three blogs in less than 2 hours? Yes, I know. However, I have a bad history of starting things and not finishing them, or going on to other things. If you want a good example, search “Dustin Freeman” in Google. Anyway, I want to lay out some goals for this blog, without sounding too…

  • On originality

    I’m currently reading “Impro for Storytellers” (where’ s the v?) by Keith Johnstone in an effort to perhaps better my skills and knowledge. And WOW it has opened my mind. Keith Johnstone writes almost exclusively in Socratic dialogue, in a constant argument with the people on stage who are arguing back with him. Its so…

  • In the beginning

    In the beginning, god created light, by saying “let there be light”. Later, the electric and magnetic component of this wave split into conveniently understandable behaviours, one supposedly as an aspect of another. Further on, sufficiently intelligent monkies created ways to harness these tiny electric particles to actually mean something…. ….which brings us to here.…